Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What Have I Been Up To?

Hello beautiful friends! I hope you are having a great summer. My summer has been filled with so many great adventures. I traveled to Florida two times this year for vacation. Then, I went on a cruise to Key West, Fl. and Nassau, Bahamas with my mama. The following week, I went to St. Simon's Island for a family reunion. With friends, I went to local vacation spots. Besides vacationing, I completed two gifted/ talent endorsement courses at Converse College this summer, which will enable me to teach GT classes this coming school year. As for my personal life, there's been a lot going on, but I'll reveal that in due time. 

Today's bible verse comes from Ecclesiastes 7:13- "Accept the way God does things, for who can straighten what he has made crooked?". This verse goes back to what I wrote in a past post about being content during all seasons. My life may not look the way I envisioned it to look ten years ago, but I am completely blown away with the life God has blessed me with. Ten years ago, I envisioned myself being married with a kid or two, while working some job (I wanted to be a dentist/ ballerina/ flight attendant/ Navy SEAL/ or nanny. haha). I've dated some great guys, but none of them were the right one for me and I for them. The relationships weren't God-led, which is vital. Eight years ago, I prayed to be released from people bondage, and to be blessed with a great group of Christian friends. Before I knew it, I was completely alone for a season. People I thought were my friends were no longer around. There was never a big fight or disagreement. It was more like they were there one day and then they seemed so far away. During a quiet season, God blessed me with a group of Christian friends. The crazy part is that most of us finished at the same university, but never knew each other. Even thinking back to my college career, it didn't go the way I thought it was going to go. Several things I wanted to happen didn't happen. Instead of attending undergrad for four years, I went two years and then left for a year to recuperate from all that was going on. This was a quiet season where I was so angry and pitiful, but it's a season I needed in order to be the person I am today. When I went back to finish what I started, it was as if I was soaring in life with Christ. To put all of this together, I truly believe that blessings come when we choose to be accepting, content, and when we lean on our heavenly father for guidance. During my hardest times, I wasn't perfect and I wasted a lot of time being sad, but God always brought me through at His perfect time.

Stay blessed,
Tatiana :)