Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What I Did for My Birthday!?!

Happy Wednesday! Even though my birthday was November 9th (last week), I figured I would do a post and tell you all what I did for my birthday. I had been  planning for my birthday celebration for months. A group of friends and I were taking a cruise, having a dinner party, and then relaxing on some warm island. None of this happened. I had work overload and no time to take off or plan such an extravagant birthday celebration. But, this coming summer 2017, we are definitely going to have a blast.

On Sunday, I had an after church luncheon at Applebees (I wrote about what I ate here). My grandparents, aunts, uncles, my immediate family, and close friends Alexia and Whitney were able to attend. I figured since my birthday was in the middle of the week, most of my loved ones would be working rather too late to attend my birthday dinner.

Photo taken downtown Greenville, SC

On the day of my birthday, I took the day to relax. I slept in and had a spa day at home. Later that evening, I met with my family, Precious (sister), and Sterling (friend), to have dinner at Smoke on the Water. I ordered a portobello mushroom sandwich. It was good, but I felt like it was a little too much vinegar for my liking. I prefer The Trappe Door's portobello mushroom sandwiches more!

Smoke on the Water's lights were too dimmed to take a birthday photo :(

My family and friends got me to sweetest gifts. I haven't had a TV in my bedroom in a long time because the one I had in college broke, and I just never found a reason to replace it since I barely watch TV. Well, my parents and brother brought me a flat screen TV. I also received beautiful roses, a bracelet made by Nepali women (post coming soon), a very chic plaid scarf, large new coffee cup, beautiful jewelry, and money with cards!:)

Today's bible verse is coming from the book of James 1:17 "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of lights with who there is no variation or shadow due to change",


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