Thursday, June 14, 2018

Paper Bag Shorts in Mauve

Top // Shorts// Pumps // Bag // Jewelry

Hello beautiful people! I hope you are having a wonder week thus far. My week is going great with the exception of Tuesday. On Tuesday, I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. I stayed in bed all day, but around 4:30 PM I woke up feeling great. Very weird! Anyway, I saw Ocean's 8 yesterday at Hollywood Cinema and I may go see Superfly this weekend. I'm also reading a few novels, and I plan to blog about them in the upcoming weeks.

Today's bible verse comes from Matthew 5:44, "But I say unto you; Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite-fully use you, and persecute you". When I came upon this verse, it made me think of this person I knew back in college. Every time I saw this person, 'she' always had a "poop smelling" face and seemed like she wanted to fight. About a year after college, I saw her while I was meeting my family for after church lunch. I saw her from a distance making "poop smelling" faces in my direction, but I had to walk pass her in order to get to where my family was seated. As I walked across the restaurant to meet my family, I remember hearing the Lord say, "Smile at her and her family and say hello". Back in college, I always feared her a little because I never knew the cause for her behavior, but I trusted God and did what He instructed me to do. I'm sure the girl thought I was going to turn my head or make a "poop smelling" face back because she was like a dear-in-the-head lights after I spoke. In that moment, I learned a valuable lesson in operating the way that God wants us to and that is love. The point of this story was to give an example of how powerful it is to love everyone, including the people who give you a hard time in life.

Stay blessed,
xoxo Tatiana:)


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