Thursday, August 01, 2019

Polka Dot Blush and White

Top // Jeans // Heels

Hello beautiful people! I hope you are having a great week so far. I can't believe August is here. This summer - I mean this year has flown by so fast. Teaching life will be starting back next week and I'm feeling bittersweet. I'm always excited to begin the school year with a fresh mind, but then I'm sad because I can't be lazy anymore (haha). Overall, I can't believe this school year will be my 3rd year as a 6th grade English teacher. I remember the first day I knew I wanted to be a teacher, which was my second semester of my freshmen year of college. 

Today's bible verse comes from Ecclesiastes 7:1- "A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume. And the day you die is better than the day you are born". This beautiful verse puts everything in life into perspective. The things we focus on and value speaks volumes about what is really in our hearts and who we are as people. Let's challenge ourselves to be more content with the portion that God has blessed us with. Remember that life could be so much worse, so rejoice in every season.

Stay blessed,
Tatiana :)


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