Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Dark Grey Sweater Poncho

Sweater Poncho // Jeans // Boots // Bag

Hello beautiful! Okay, I totally lied to you when I said I wasn't going to tell you my new year's resolution. I'm not going to tell you the super deep, sentimental ones, but I am going to tell you my top 5 for this year.
#1- Become more culturally aware. I'm planning a couple of big trips this year in places that I have never been. The best way I know how to be more culturally aware is by expanding my monthly reading. Back in the day, I used to knock out two to three novels a month. But, now that I'm usually not home until late and I leave before sunrise everyday; finding time to read has been a hassle.

#2-  SAVE. SAVE. SAVE. I've already voiced my decision about spending less this year and spending more time on experiences. I've come to a new point in my life where things are just things. Don't get me wrong! I still love a super cute outfit from head to toe, but my priorities have changed.

#3- Travel to more states and countries this year. So, I touched on this above. I'm planning some dream vacations this year. One of the destinations is a place I've always dreamed of going to. I don't know if it's the antiquated aesthetic of the country or the colorful scenery. There are a couple of other places I'm going as well, so stay tune for those coming trips ;)

#4- Paint my nails! There is no as lazy as me when it comes to painting my nails or going to a nail salon. On a yearly basis, I usaully get my nails done two times: one is with my mama for mother's day and then again for a family reunion in July. I never get them done. If I do paint them, the polish will stay on my nails until they eventually disintegrate.lol.

5- Grow my hair past my collarbones. Okay, so my hair growth journey was going great. I've never really wrote about my hair journey, but I'm natural and I've had a difficult time finding a hair stylist who specializes in natural hair. I decided to try out the Ulta salon a year ago, and ended up going every two weeks for over a year. Well, I'm not sure if my hair decided it was done or the stylist decided she was done, but my hair became so damaged. My ends were thinning, so I went to another stylist and she cut some inches off my hair. I'm not sure the length of my natural hair now because she cut it so fast and then immediately began the sew-in process. My hair goal is collarbone length because before the cut it was collarbone length, and so if I can get it back to that length I'll go back to wearing my natural hair:)

Today's bible verse comes from Luke 1:37- "For nothing will be impossible with God.”

Stay blessed,


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